臭氧作为一种广谱灭菌和强氧化剂的应用越来越广。然而在实际应用中由于臭氧发生器所使用是高压脉冲电源 ,易受环境因素的影响 ,性能不稳定 ,可靠性差 ,能耗高 ,影响了臭氧技术的应用。本文介绍了一种新型臭氧发生器的电源电路 ,它采用绝缘栅双极性 IGBT作为功率开关管 ,并采用 PWM脉宽调节方式稳定电压 ,具有较高的频率和较窄的脉冲上升沿 ,能满足臭氧发生器电源大功率 ,高性能稳定性 。
Recently, ozone is used widely as a nantiscptic and oxide in the field of environment. However, because of the effect of surrounding factors, the stability and reliability of this high voltage power are very low and the consumption is very high, hampering the application of ozone. This paper introduces a new PWM circuit with high frequency and narrow pulse, for it is composed of IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor). It can meet the need of high power, high stabilization and high efficiency.
Safety and Environmental Engineering