比较 1997年和 1992年两次卫生服务调查病人流向发现 :(1)农村 级医疗机构门诊病人占 85 %,城市只占 38%;(2 )城市私人开业门诊量 1997年比 1992年明显增加 ,农村有所下降 ;(3)农村三级医疗机构网门诊量分布村级卫生机构占 5 5 %,县乡两级合占 45 %。合理调整病人流向在城市应大力发展社区卫生服务 ,农村应以提高卫生服务质量为主。
Comparing the health survey in 1997 and 1992 it is found that (1) primary level health sectors provide 85% outpatient visit in rural and 38% in urban; (2) visit of private physicians increased in urban but decreased in rural; (3) in rural area village health center provide 55% visit and 45% in township and county hospital. It is necessary to strengthening referral system and develop community health care in urban and improve quality of care in rural.\;
Medicine and Society