马克思明确提出了科学技术工作和经营管理的生产劳动性质,充分肯定了它们在创造 社会财富和价值中的重要作用。在当代社会经济发展中,科学技术工作承担着创造和发展第 一生产力的重要职能,科技劳动愈益成为价值的重要来源,经营管理是保证现代经济正常运 行的关键因素。必须实施人才战略,建立、完善对科学技术和经营管理人才的激励机制。
Marx clearly brought to light the nature of technical labor and productive labor of management and administration, and fully affirmed their important role of producing social wealth and value. With the development of the present social economy, technical labor undertakes the important responsibility for producing and developing the first productive force, and technical labor increasingly becomes the key source of value. Management and administration are the important factors to assure that modern economy properly works. We should carry out a talent strategy, set up and perfect a system to encourage talented scientific and technical workers as well as talented managing and administrative personnel.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University