高速运动的进料机械臂由直流电机、齿轮减速器、支臂、平衡缓冲装置及物料组成。在同时考虑构件的大位移运动、小弹性变形及运动副中存在的摩擦的情况下 ,建立了机械臂的有限元模型和非线性动力学方程。有限元模型包括 5个节点和 5个单元 ,这些单元分别是直流电机单元、齿轮减速器单元、梁单元、曲柄单元和缓冲器单元。用 Houboult法对运动方程进行了求解 ,获得了机械臂的运动规律。理论与实验结果的对比指出 ,所采用的理论方法不但对于研究该机械臂的动力学特性是有效的 。
A new finite element method for kineto-static analysis of mechanical systems is presented. The heavy-loaded and high-speed mechanical arm consists of D.C.motors, reduction gears, buffer equipment, weight and flexible arm. Considering the small elastic deformation of structural membe rs and the friction of motion pairs in the process of mechanical arm's big displ acement motion, the finite element model and the corresponding nonlinear motion equation for the mechanical arm were established. The whole finite element model includes 5 nodes and 5 elements, and these element types are D.C.motor element, reduction gear element, beam element, crank element and buffer element.The nume rical solution of aforementioned motion equation is obtained by the Houboult met hod,so the motion situation of the mechanical arm can be studied. Comparing the theory with experimental results, it shows that the aforementioned research meth od for dynamic properties of the mechanical arm is effective, and this method ca n be widely used in some nonlinear mechanical system dynamics problems as well.
Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical arm
Finite element method
Kineto-static analysis