文学作品是否可以用于培养“交际能力”?英语语言教学如何与文学教学结合起来 ?在文学的作用和地位受到冷落的今天 ,对这一问题做出回答 ,意义十分重大。本文试图从文学课教学如何培养交际能力入手 ,对外语语言教育与文学教学一体化的问题进行尝试性探讨 ,以期找出一条两者有机结合的新路子。
Can literature be used for teaching language competence? That is, can literarure teaching be united with language teaching? The answer to this question is of great significance nowadays when literature teaching is facing a dangerous neglect.Based on how to teach literature for communicative purpose,this paper attempts to make a trial exploration into the question of how to unite them together.
Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Social Science Edition)