临床上很多现象反映 出外周神经是可能被延长的,一些研究结果也已经证实了外周神经的可延长性。本文从外周神经延长的研究背景、外周神经延长的生物力学及组织学基础、外周神经延长过程中的病理生理改变及以神经修复为目的的外周神经延长研究等四个方面对有关外周神经延长的研究进展做出综述,客观地总结相关研究所提示的外周神经在延长过程中的一系列力学、电生理学及组织病理学的变化,通报迄今为止的研究结果中,外周神经可能的无损伤延长长度和延长率以及可用于修复自身缺损的延长极限。
In clinical prac-tice , many
phenomena have reflected that the peripherai nerves are stretchable. Many studies have already proved that the peripherai nerves can be elongated. We reviewed some reports on following 4 areas: the background of studies in peripherai nerve elongation; the biomechanics and the histological changes in the peripheral nerve elongation; the pathophysiological changes during the process of peripherai nerve elongation; the study of peripherai nerve elongation with the aim of nerve repair. Following the results of above studies until now,
we have objectively reflected the possible length of the peripherai nerve elongation and the rate of elongation without any damage, and the limitation of such elongation in the repair of peripherai nerve defect.
Contemporary Medicine