目的 评估阴道超声及宫腔细胞学联合检查绝经后妇女子宫内膜病变的价值。方法应用阴道超声测量 143例绝经后子宫出血患者的子宫内膜厚度 ,并于当日或次日行宫腔细胞学检查及分段诊断性刮宫 (诊刮 )术 ,将内膜测量及宫腔细胞学检查结果与诊刮组织病理结果进行比较。结果 阴道超声检查施行率为 10 0 0 % ,以 5mm为临界值诊断绝经后内膜癌及癌前病变的敏感性为10 0 0 % ,假阳性率为 5 6 9% ;宫腔细胞学检查的施行率为 97 9% ,取材满意率为 73 6 % ,特异性为96 3% ,假阴性率为 2 5 %。两者联合应用后的假阳性率降为 43 2 % (P <0 0 1) ,无一例内膜癌及癌前病变漏诊。结论 阴道超声及宫腔细胞学联合检查 ,是一种较好的筛查内膜癌及癌前病变的方法 ,可减少诊刮。
Objective To evaluate the combined use of transvaginal sonography and endometrial cytology for the diagnosis of endometrial disorders in postmenopausal women Methods One hundred forty three patients with postmenopausal utreine bleeding were studied prospectively Transvaginal sonography was used to measure the endometrial thickness (double layers), followed by use of the ori endometrial sampler. The results were compared to the histopathologic diagnosis of specimens obtained by dilatation and curretage Results When the cutoff point of endometrial thickness was set at 5mm to detect endometrial malignancy and premalignancy, transvaginal sonography showed a 100 0% sensitivity and 56 9% false positive rate Endometrial cytology showed a 96 3% specificity but it had a 2 5% false negative rate The combined use of transvaginal sonography and endometrial cytology can decrease false positive rate of transvaginal sonography from 56 9% to 43 2% ( P <0 01) Conclusion The combined use of transvaginal sonography and endometrial cytology is a good method to screen endometrial malignancy and premalignancy
Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology