对位于河南省通许县试验点的 16个泡桐无性系进行苗期测定的基础上 ,研究分析其苗期生长规律及生长参数。结果表明 ,泡桐苗期年生长符合 S型生长曲线 ,16个无性系 185株苗木年生长进程平均为 :地径生长速生始期为 6月 12日 ,此时生长速度为 0 .0 33cm· d-1,生长量达 1.0 8cm;7月 16日达到全年最大生长速度 ( 0 .0 4 9cm· d-1) ,此时生长量达 2 .57cm,8月 2 0日生长量达到 4 .0 5cm。速生期 6月 12日至 8月 2 0日 ,持续 69d。全年生长量 5.13cm。苗高速生始期晚于地径 ,为 7月 8日 ,此时生长速度为 0 .0 4 9m· d-1,生长量达 0 .86m;7月 2 7日达到最大生长速度( 0 .0 73m· d-1) ,此时生长量达到 2 .0 4 m;8月 15日生长量达到 3.2 2 m。速生期 7月 8日至 8月15日 ,持续 37d。全年生长量为 4 .0 9m。
Based on testing 16 Paulownia clones in seedling stage, the growth pattern and growth parameters in seedling stage were studied. The results indicated that the growth of Paulownia seedlings can be modeled by sigmoid curve, and can be divided into 3 stages: first slow growth stage, fast growth stage and second slow growth stage. The main parameters are the beginning date of fast growth (DB), the middle date of fast growth (DM), the ending date of fast growth (DE), the length of fast growth (LG), the growth rate (RG) and increment at each date, the average growth rate (ARG), the maximum rate of growth (XRG), and the maximum value of diameter (KD) and height (KH) of annual growth of Paulownia seedlings. The annual growth parameters of diameter of 185 seedlings of 16 clones are as follows: DB June 12, RG 0.033 cm·d -1 , diameter 1.08 cm; DM July 16, XRG 0.049 cm·d -1 , diameter 2.57 cm; DE August 20, diameter 4.06 cm; LG 69 days, total annual growth 5.13 cm. The annual growth parameters of seedling height are: DB July 8, RG 0.049 m·d -1 , height 0.88 m; DM July 27, XRG 0.073 m·d -1 , seedling height 2.57 m; DE August 20, seedling height 3.22 cm; LG 37 days, total annual growth 4.09 m. The diameter and height of total annual growth are distinctively correlative with XRG respectively.
Forest Research
annual growth
sigmoid model