市场经济条件下 ,完善的社会保障制度尤显重要 ,对此人们必须有正确的认识。在制度构建过程中坚持“低水平、广覆盖、多层次、双方负担、统账结合”的基本方针和保障人权 ,满足社会成员基本生活需求 ;对公民实行普遍的社会保障 ;社会保障的范围和标准与经济发展水平相适应 ;公平与效率相结合 ;
Under market economy, perfect social security system become more and more important,we must pay enough attention to it.During the construction of system making, we must insist the policy :low level, all covered, multitute lager,both shoulder, unity joineed account, and the principle:appeal to social members basic demand,make social security to all citizens, the standard and range of social security must agree with the level of economy development, fair joined with efficiency, city and country have difference.
Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)