作为一个十分重要的文学现象 ,余秋雨的异军突起越来越引起众多人的关注。本文试图通过对余秋雨文化散文叙述模式的详细分析 ,来探讨他成功和失败、引起多人赞叹也引来不少人诟病的原因。余秋雨通过对中国古老的传统叙述方式———圆形叙述的借用、对大词和圣词的借用 ,成功地打动了读者和征服了一个需要浪漫主义的阅读时代 ,从而在一个市场化的年代里 ,建立了他“散文大师”
As an important literary phenomenon, the coming into prominence of Yu Qiuyu has drawn the attention of more and more readers. This paper aims to explore, based on the detailed analysis of the narrative mode of Yu's prose, the success and failure of his writings, which have incurred accolade and denunciation from the public. By way of borrowing the Chinese traditional mode of narration, the 'circular-type narration', as well as the grand and holy diction, Yu succeeded in moving his readers and vanquished a time which needs romantic writings. As a result, he finally finds himself a place in the niche of “prose masters”.
Journal of Capital Normal University:Social Science Edition