唐代孙思邈《千金要方》一书 ,现存有二种传本 ,一种是宋代校正医书局的校注本《备急千金要方》 ;另一种是未经宋人校改的宋刊本《孙真人千金方》(现存 2 0卷 )。这二种传本无论是在篇目次序 (包括同一篇中的条文次序 )还是在文字内容上 ,都有较大的出入。关于这种差异的形成原因 ,几年前我们已经撰文做了初步分析 ,而新近的研究又进一步发现了解释这些差异的新证据。
Qian jin yao fang (Thousand Golden Essential Prescriptions) written by Sun Simiao in the Tang dynasty has two kinds of extant editions in circulation: one is the revised edition, Bei ji qian jin yao fang (Essential Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold for Emergencies) revised by the Office of Revising Medical Books of the Song dynasty, the other is the Song edition, Sun zhenren qian jin fang (Master Sun's Thousand Golden Prescription) (20 volumes extant) not revised by Song people There are great discrepancies between these two editions not only in the order of chapter contents, including the order of items in the same chapter, but also in its texts Concerning the causes of this difference, we already made preliminary analysis in our former paper However, there are new evidences to further explain it with our recent research
Chinese Journal of Medical History
Qian jin yao fang Revised in the Song dynasty
Basic constitution
Office of Revising Medical Books of the Song dynasty