利用青岛市即墨金口养虾场虾池的浮游动物样品 ,计算了虾病暴发前期 ( 1994年 5月~ 7月 )浮游动物的生物量和生产量。结果表明 ,浮游动物的生物量的变化范围为 9.53~ 4 80 .0 0 mg Cm-3,生产量的变化范围为 1.16~ 2 3.73mg C/ m2 d。浮游动物生物量的变化趋势与叶绿素 - a的变化趋势一致。两个虾池的生物量虽然相差较大 ,但有着相近的生产量。生产量是评价浮游动物贡献大小的重要指标。因此 。
The biomass and production of zooplankton in two prawn ponds of Jinko, Jimo City, were studied before the outbreak of prawn disease (May ~ July, 1994). The results showed that the biomass of zooplankton in these two prawn ponds varied between 9.53 ~ 480.00mgC/m 3 and the production changed in the range of 1.16~ 23.73mgC/m 2·d. The biomass of zooplankton had the same varying trends with the concentration of Chlorophyll a. Although there was a big difference between the biomasses in the two prawn ponds, the production of them was very similar. The Production is a useful parameter to evaluate the contribution of zooplankton to the ecosystem in the prawn pond.
Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao
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国家攀登 B"海养生物优抗研究"项目!(PDB6 - 7- 3)资助