在南美白对虾4个月的养殖期内,对虾养殖池每平方米水面积积累沉积物平均湿重8.69 kg,干重2.29 kg,含水率73.2%.沉积物在虾池中的水平分布,养殖前期分布比较均一;养殖后期则分布不均,主要集中在虾池的中心.沉积物数量的月变化随着养殖时间的延长而逐渐增多.沉积物间隙水的pH值变化在6.21~7.67之间,平均为6.55.沉积物的有机物含量(平均为17.6%)和耗氧速率(平均为1.81 g/m2·d)较高,二者存在显著的正相关关系(r=0.7704).沉积物中含有丰富的氮、磷、钾等生物营养元素.沉积物中细菌总数变化在136.1×107~782.3×107 cells/g之间,平均为352.9×107cells/g.沉积物中细菌总数与有机物含量之间存在正相关关系(r=0.606 7).
The average wet weight of the sediment of the prawn ponds was 8. 69 kg/m^2, dry weight was 2.29 kg/m^2, and moisture was 73. 2%during the four months' prawn cultural period. The sediment concentration distributed uniformly at the beginning of culture; and unevenly in the later period with high concentrate in the center of the pond. The amount of the sediment increased monthly. The pH value of the sediment changed in the range of 6.21 to 7. 67, averaging 6. 55. The organism content in the sediment ranged from 6.9%o to 28. 1 %, averaging 17. 6%o. Oxygen demand of the sediment changed in the range of 0. 58-3. 56 g/m^2·d, averaging 1.81 g/m^2·d. The organism content in the sediment was positively related to the oxygen demand. The sediment was rich in nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphate and potassium. The total bacteria content in the sediment changed in the range of 136. 1×10^7-782.3×10^7 cells/g, averaging 352. 9×10^7. The organic matters content in the sediment had pronounced positive relationship with the bacterial content.
Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University