经损伤接种细链格孢(Alternaria tenuis Nees)的兰州大接杏(Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.),用0.2%、0.5%、1%和2%的壳聚糖涂膜处理后,在常温和低温条件下的贮藏结果表明:采后壳聚糖涂膜处理可明显降低损伤接种兰州大接杏的黑斑病发病率,抑制病斑的扩展速度。4种浓度处理中,以2%壳聚糖处理效果最好,1%效果次之。但各浓度壳聚糖处理均可造成果实药害,壳聚糖浓度越高,药害就越重。
Lanzhou dajiexing (Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.) were coated with chitosan of 0.2%,0.5%,1%and 2%(w/v) after wound-inoculated with Alternaria tenuis Nees and then stored at room temperature and low temperature .The results showed that : postharvest chitosan coating could reduce the percentage of infected Lanzhou dajiexing ,and could reduce the growing rate of the decayed area.Among the four treatments,the one of 2% treatment was the best and the 1% treatment was a little worse,but all treatments produced medicinal injury and the higher the chitosan concentration was,the more serious the medicinal injury occurred.
Journal of Gansu Agricultural University