猪伪狂犬病是由伪狂犬病病毒引起的 ,是以仔猪的发病死亡和怀孕母猪繁殖障碍为特征的猪病 ,是危害养猪业的重要疫病之一。该病在世界上分布广泛 ,并有不断蔓延扩大的趋势。任何年龄的猪在耐过伪狂犬病病毒急性感染后均能形成潜伏感染 ,并可在体内终生潜伏 ,且不表现临床症状 ,在一定条件下 ,潜伏状态的病毒能被激活 ,引起复发性感染并向外散毒。这种伪狂犬病病毒潜伏 -激活循环机制决定了伪狂犬病病毒在猪群中的永远存在。猪一旦感染必须视为伪狂犬病病毒散播的潜在来源。因而对潜伏感染猪的剔除对于根除伪狂犬病病毒感染具有重要意义。国内外对潜伏感染的检测方法主要有鉴别血清学诊断、潜伏病毒的激活与检测、组织块培养技术、核酸探针技术以及PCR技术。本文主要综述了这几种方法的研究情况 。
Pseudorabies virus(PRV,Aujeszky disease virus,suid herpesvirus-1) causes Pseudorabies disease(PR)in a number of mammalian species and is responsible for considerable economic loss in the swine industry.Pigs of any age that survive the acute infection phase become latently infected and are considered to be lifelong carriers of potentially infective virus.Such latcnt infcctions are clinically silcnt.Virus transmission is possiblc from clinically normal carrier animals following reactivation under given conditions.The recurrent mechanism of PRV latency reactivation determines the persistence of virus in swine herd.The pigs that were affected by PRV must be regarded as potential carriers.So the detection of latently infected animals has become a major concern.The diagnosis has been made by use of techniques such differential serum tests,reactivation and detection of latent virus,explanation/cocultivation,hybridization to PRV specific probes or polymerase chain reaction.This paper mainly summarizes the research condition and compares the advantages and disadvantages of these methods.
Sichuan Animal & Veterinary Sciences