以 U3O8标准物质作标样 ,选用 2 35U的 185.7ke Vγ射线作为 2 35U的特征能峰 ,建立了γ谱法直接测定细颗粒固体铀废料 (直接法 )和测量液体铀废料 (溶样法 )的2 35U总量与特征能峰强度关系曲线 ,用γ谱仪直接测定固体铀废料或溶液废料 (将固体铀废料转化为溶液 )中的 2 35U,再结合质谱法测得铀同位素丰度求得铀废料中的总铀量。直接法适用于氧化粉、碎切屑、淤泥等细颗粒铀废料 ,其回收率为95%~ 10 5% ,测量结果的相对标准偏差优于 1.5% ;溶样法适用于氧化铍、切屑丝等可用化学试剂溶解的铀废料 ,其准确度和精密度均优于直接测量法 ,回收率为 97%~ 10 3% ,测量结果的相对标准偏差优于1%。
A working curve of the relationship between the means of 235 U in solid ( direct analysis method ) or liquid sample ( dissolved sample method ) and the intensity of 235 U 205.3 keV characteristic γ ray has been found by using U 3O 8 standard material. The determination of 235 U in U waste material for solid or liquid has been carried out by γ energy spectrometry. Uranium count is calculated by isotope abundance. The direct analysis method is applyed for tiny pellet waste material as powder oxide, crumb, sludge and etc. Its rate of recovery is 95%~105%. Its relative standard erroris better than 1.5% has been obtained . The method of dissolved sample is suitable to big unregular waste material as skin oxide, cutting shred and etc. Its rate of recovery is 97%~103%. Its relative standard error is better than 1%.
Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology