研究建立了γ谱法直接测定大量铀溶液中2 3 7Np的方法。利用2 3 7Np在 86keV附近的γ射线峰扣除其子体2 3 3 Pa的影响 ,可以定量测定2 3 7Np。铀溶液中的大量铀对 86keV附近的γ射线有较强吸收 ,86keV附近峰面积的对数与铀浓度呈线性关系 ,用最小二乘法进行拟合线性 ,对铀的影响加以校正。
The determination method of 237 Np in the large amount of uranium by γ spectrum is developed. Based on the γ radiation peak at about 86 keV of 237 Np, eliminating the influence of its daughter species 233 Pa, 237 Np can be determined quantitatively by γ spectrum. Large amount of uranium contained in the solution strongly absorb the γ ray of about 86 keV, but the logarithm of the peak area has linear relationship with the uranium concentration. Filling this relationship by the way of least square method, the absorption effect of uranium can be corrected, and then the 237 Np can be directly determined in uranium solution by γ spectrum.
Atomic Energy Science and Technology