本文对车前草进行了镇咳,平喘,祛 普痰较系统的药理研究,猫电刺激引咳实验,小鼠氨水咳实验结果均表明,车前草有较强的镇咳作用,对组胺,乙酰胆碱所致的离体豚鼠气管平滑肌收缩,有对抗作用,可使气管平滑肌松驰,对实验家免有明显的祛痰作用。
A relatively systematic study on the pharmacological actions of the Chinese medicinal herb plantago asiatica has been carried out to verify its therapeutic effect of relieving cough, alleviating asthma and promoting expectoration. Experiments on cough induced by electric stimulation in cat and by aqueous ammonia in rat showed that this herbal drug exhibits strong action in relieving cough. It also antagonistes the contraction of isolated bronchial smooth muscles of guinea-pigs induced by histamine and aeetylcholine, thus leading to the relaxation of these muscles. In expermental rabbits, the drug demonstrated potent expectorant actio and was thus proved to be safe and effective drug in the rclief of cough, alleviation of asthma and promotion of expectoration.
Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs