为探讨大面积烧伤病人早期救治的最佳方案 ,对 10年来 16 2例大面积烧伤病人实施了“五早”救治 ,即 :对延迟复苏伤员休克期采用早期快速液体复苏 ;对中重度吸入性损伤坚持早期气管切开 ,辅以气道湿化、灌洗 ,保持气道通畅 ;创面处理坚持早期切痂 ,并提出了基层医院也可选择性开展休克期切痂的做法 ;坚持早期胃肠道营养 ;早期即注意功能疗法 ,将康复疗法贯穿于烧伤治疗的全过程。结果表明 ,大面积烧伤病人应用“五早”救治方案 ,显著地提高了救治的成功率 ,并减少并发症和伤残率 ,是治疗大面积烧伤行之有效的方法。
To investigate the effective principles of early management in extensively burned patients,162 patients (from 1990 to 1999) with extensive burn were treated according to the following principles: ① prompt and rapid fluid resuscitation during shock stage for delayed resuscitation patients; ② early tracheostomy,air way humidification and lavage for moderate and severe inhalation injury;③ escharectomy and grafting performed during early stage, presenting the experiences of escharectomy during shock stage in grassroot hospitals ; ④ undergoing enteral nutritional support in early stage; ⑤ emphasizing the importance of functional excise in early stage to stress that rehabilitation therapy should be implemented throughout that whole course of treatment. The results showed that the successful rate of treatment was raised and the incidence of complications and disability decreased after implementing the aforementioned treatment principles in extensively burned patients. It is suggested that the application of “Five early Principle” on extensively burned patients is effective and feasible
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army