以氯化镍、氯化镧为主盐,以柠檬酸铵为络合剂的乙醇镀液中可以实现电沉积La-Ni合金镀层。研究表明,镀液中[La3+]/[Ni2+]比值增加,升高镀液温度,提高电流密度均可使镀层La含量提高。最佳镀液组成及工艺条件下,镀层La含量为15%左右,镀层光亮、结晶细致,镀液分散能力、覆盖能力良好,阴极电流效率可达70%,SEM、XRD分析表明镀层为非晶态,XPS分析表明,镀层中镍、镧的化学状态为Ni、LaH2和少量的La、 La2O3。通过对镀液的循环伏安曲线测量,初步探讨了La与Ni共沉积的机理,其共沉积特性符合诱导共沉积规律。
La-Ni alloy coating was obtained from ethanol solvent. NiCl2 and LaCl3 were used as main salts and (NH4)3C6H5O7 was used as complex. The effects of concentrations of main salts, temperature and current density on La content in the coating were investigated. Using this technology, a bright, homogeneous and good adhesive coating is obtained. La content is 15.2 wt%. It's found that the covering power is up to 95% and the current efficiency is about 70%. By XPS, XRD, SEM and energy spectrum, the results show that most of lanthanum in the coating is in the form of LaH2, a little is oxide and the rest is metal lanthanum and nickel in the coating is in metal state. La-Ni alloy coating is amorphous. From the measurement of the curves of cyclic voltammetry, the mechanism of La and Ni alloy codeposition is coincident with the induced codeposition.
Journal of Functional Materials