在大量文献的基础上 ,采用正交试验优化电沉积Ni Mo P合金工艺。经过测试证明 :Ni Mo P合金镀层致密 ,结合力强 ,具有较高的硬度和耐高温腐蚀的性能。通过极化曲线的测定 ,钛基Ni Mo P合金具有比钛电极和铁电极更低的析氢过电势 ,Ni Mo P合金具有较高的电催化性能 ,可望成为新一代氯碱工业用高活性阴极。
Based on lots of references, Ni-Mo-P alloy is electrodeposited through orthogonal experiments. The tests show that the electrodeposited Ni-Mo-P alloy coating is compact in structure, strong in bonding strength, and had a higher hardness and corrosion resistance at high temperature. The polarization curves indicate that the overpotential of hydrogen evolution of Ti based Ni-Mo-P alloys is lower than that of Ti and Fe electrodes, which proves that Ni-Mo-P alloy has higher electro-catalytic properties, with a great potential to become an activating cathode of new generation for chlorine-alkali industry.
Electroplating & Pollution Control