目的对2007-2012年北京市门头沟区报告的水痘病例进行分析,了解其流行病学特征,为预防控制水痘提供参考。方法病例资料来源于《中国疾病预防控制系统》,流行病学资料来源于病例的流行病学个案调查。对资料进行流行病学分析。结果北京市门头沟区2007-2012年共报告水痘病例1 053例,水痘发病基本呈现5~6月和12月~次年1月两个高峰。发病年龄最小2月、最大50岁,发病人数最多的是6~10岁年龄组,共发病414例,占总发病人数的39.32%;发病最多的3个职业分别为小学生、散居儿童和托幼儿童;1 053例病例中完成流行病学调查的1030例,其中发热497例,占48.25%。出疹程度轻度(50个以下散在皮疹)724例,占70.29%;出疹程度中度(50~500个皮疹)287例,占27.86%;出疹程度重度(可触及大量皮疹或疹间无正常皮肤)19例,占1.85%,出疹严重程度差异有统计学意义(Z=-2.956,Ρ〈0.01);有水痘疫苗免疫史的427例,占41.46%;无免疫史的441例,占42.82%,有无水痘免疫史的病例发热的发生率差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.234,P〉0.05);有免疫史的病例出疹程度较轻。结论接种水痘疫苗后儿童临床症状较轻,为控制水痘疫情,应进一步提高水痘疫苗的接种率,并且有必要开展第2剂次的免疫。
Objective Analyzing the chickenpox cases reported from 2007 to 2012,to understand its epidemiological characteristics,providing references for preventing and controlling chickenpox. Methods Patient records come from the China diseases prevention and control system,epidemiological data come from the cases of epidemiological survey data,epidemiological analysis were carried on the data. Results During 2007-2012,1,053 varicella cases were reported in Mentougou district,varicella incidence basically showing two peaks in May- June and December- January in the next year. The youngest case was two months old,the oldest was 50 years old,the age group of 6- 10 years old has the largest number,with the cases of 414,which accounted for 39. 32%; the pupils,scattered children and kindergarten children had the highest incidence. In the survey,1053 persons were given epidemiological investigation,1030 of them had completed,in which 497 cases have got a fever,accounting for 48. 25%. 724 cases got rash in mild degree( scattered rash less than 50),accounting for 70. 29%; 287 cases got rash in moderate level( rash between 50- 500)accounting for 27. 86%; 19 cases got rash in the sever degree( the skin was covered by a large number of rash or all covered by rash) accounting for 1. 85%,there is statistically significant difference on rash severe degrees( Z =- 2. 956,Ρ < 0. 01),427 cases has the varicella vaccine immunization history,accounting for41. 46%; 441 cases has never been vaccinated before,accounted for 42. 82%. There is no significant difference between the incidence of fever cases with or without a history of varicella immunization,but the severity of rash was statistically significant( χ2= 2. 234,P > 0. 05);,the cases with rash immunization history got a lesser extent. Conclusions Children after the chickenpox vaccine clinical symptom is lighter,in order to control the outbreak of chickenpox,the chickenpox vaccine coverage should be further improved,and it is necessary to carry out the second
Journal of Medical Pest Control