目的研究Forsus功能矫治器对生长发育高峰期骨性下颌后缩患者的硬组织结构的影响,以及分析治疗过程中髁状突在关节窝的位置变化。方法 18例骨性安氏Ⅱ类错牙合下颌后缩患者,经Forsus矫治器平均治疗6.8个月,在治疗前后拍摄X线头颅侧位定位片;在治疗前、治疗中、治疗后拍摄双侧髁状突核磁共振片,进行测量。结果 Forsus矫治器能促进下颌骨生长,对上颌骨有一定抑制作用;治疗前后髁状突在关节窝内的位置基本不变。结论 Forsus矫治器对生长发育高峰期患者有明显的骨矫形作用,治疗后髁状突在关节窝内恢复了生理的髁-窝关系。
Objective To research the clinical effects of Forsus appliance on the hard tissue structure of the patients with skeletal mandibular retrusion at the peak stage of development,and to analyze condylar position change in articular fossa in the course of treatment. Methods 18 patients with a skeletal Angle Class Ⅱ mandibular retrusion were treated with Forsus appliance for an average period of 6.8 months. The sagital skeletal and dental changes were analyzed with reference to the lateral cephalograms before and after treatment. Condyle-fossa relationship changes were evaluated by means of magnetic resonanceimaging during the treatment. Results Table 1 showed that skeletal and dental data changed greatly,especially the mandible. The growth of mandible was promoted by Forsus appliance while the growth of maxilla was inhibited by Forsus appliance. The position of Condyles almost remained unchanged before and after treatment. Conclusions Forsus appliance has an significant orthopedic effect on bones at the peak stage of development and the physiology relationship of condyle and glenoid fossa recovers after treatment.