目的:观察安氏Ⅱ类下颌后缩病例Twin-Block矫治器治疗前后下颌骨的三维变化,探讨Twin-Block对下颌骨生长发育的影响。方法:替牙晚期、恒牙列早期安氏Ⅱ类骨性下颌后缩病例10例,采用Twin-Block矫治器矫治,矫治前、后拍摄CBCT,应用Mimics 17.0软件进行下颌骨三维重建后定点测量,SPSS 13.0软件进行统计分析。结果:矫治后下颌骨综合长度、下颌体、下颌升支长度增长明显,有统计学差异,但是髁突宽度及喙突长度无明显变化。结论:Twin-Block功能矫治可以促进安氏Ⅱ类骨性下颌后缩患者下颌骨长度及升支高度的增长。
Objective:The purpose of this study is to evaluate skeletal effects of mandible before and after Twin-block treatment. Method:10 cases of Angle class Ⅱ with mandibular retraction were included. All subjects were treated with Twin-block appliance. CBCT were taken before and after treatment. Three-dimensional analysis of the mandible was conducted to evaluate the treatment effects by Mimics 17.0 sofftware. And the data were statistically anaylzed using SPSS13.0 sofftware. Result:A significant increase in the dimensions of the mandible,including the length and height of the mandible. No significant changes took place in growth of the width of condyle and the length of coronoid. Conclusion:Twin-block appliance can promote the growth of mandible in length and height.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology