目的 了解安徽省高中学生预防艾滋病健康教育现状与需求。方法 对全省 4个地区 12所学校的 16 17名高中学生进行问卷调查。结果 5 0 %以上学生的有关艾滋病知识主要来源于报纸、广播、电视等。来源于学校和班级专题讲座的仅占 7.5 %和 4.7% ;有 14.4%的学生参加过预防艾滋病健康教育活动 ,10 .9%的学生领到相关宣传册 ;有 2 1.2 %和 37.4%的学生回答学校开展过预防艾滋病和性健康教育 ;77.8%的学生未见过避孕套 ,知道避孕套作用的人占 44 .1% ;对婚前性行为持赞同态度的有 8.6 % ,男生高于女性 (分别为 17.3%、2 .1% ) ;有 6 5 .9%的学生想了解性知识 ;对艾滋病感染者的态度 ,70 %以上的学生表示关心、帮助 ,持歧视态度的仅占 1.4%。结论 对中学生开展预防艾滋病。
Objective In order to understand situation and needs for health education of AIDS prevention in high school students in Anhui. Methods 1 617 students from 12 schools in 4 prefectures were surveyed with questionnaires. Results More than 50% students got the information from newspaper, broadcasting, TV. Only 7.5% and 4.7% students acquired the information from the subject lectures at school level and class level respectively. 14.4% students attended health education activities for AIDS prevention. 10.9% students received relevant propaganda materials, 77.8% students had never seen condom, 44.1% students knew the function of condom, and 8.6% students approved of premarital sexual life, of which, ratio of male students were significantly higher than that of female students. More than 70% students were willing to care and help patients with HIV infection. Conclusions It is necessary and possible to develop health education for AIDS prevention in high school students. It is an important measure to develop health education to block HIV transmission.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention