为了更有效地利用美国先锋玉米杂交种选系的杂种优势,探究其杂种优势利用模式,采用NCⅡ遗传交配设计,用9个先锋选系及7个测验种为供试材料,组配了63个杂交组合。以黔单16为对照,用部分平衡格子方进行两点联合(海南三亚和贵州贵阳)鉴定。结果表明:①小区产量配合力分析,16个参试材料中小区产量一般配合力效应值最高的是QB662,为12.316;测验种中,小区产量一般配合力效应值最高的是S273,为5.461;63个杂交组合中,两点联合小区产量SCA效应值排在前3位杂交组合依次是QB1051-1×双M9、QB662×S273、QB657-1×QB48,其小区产量SCA效应值依次为10.622、9.145、8.337;产量居前两位的是QB662×S273和QB662×双M9。②产量与构成产量性状的遗传相关系数分析,行粒数、株高、出籽率等性状与小区产量呈正相关关系,其遗传相关系数分别为0.841 8、0.811 8、0.689 4。③根据SSR分子标记对先锋选系与测验系共16份玉米自交系划分为6大类。结合系谱资料分析,16个自交系SSR聚类结果与系谱来源较吻合。结论:可将先锋选系归纳为先锋选系×Suwan种质和先锋选系×墨黄种质作为我国南方玉米新的杂种优势模式,但需要进一步在今后的育种实践过程中研究和探索。
In order to utilize the heterosis of Pioneer hybrids lines in maize preferably,explore its heterosis utilization paterns,the authors used NC Ⅱ and nine inbred lines which developed from the Pioneer hybrids crossed with seven testing inbred lines,as a recult,63 combinations were got to analyze the genetic potentiality.Field experiments were conducted at Sanya,Hainan Province in winter 2010 and Guiyang,Guizhou Province,spring 2011,using Partially Balanced Lattice Design,taking Qiandan16 as the control.Results:(i) Based on the analysis of yield combining ability,the GCA of QB662 in yield was the highest o f 16 tested material,12.316; in test species,the GCA of S273 was the highest,5.461.In the 63 combinations,the SCA value of the top three hybrid combinations were QB1051-1 × M9,QB662 × S273 and QB657-1 × QB48,10.622,9.145 and 8.337 separately.The plot yields ranked the top two were QB662 ×S273 and QB662 ×M9.(ii) Through the analysis of genetic correlation coefficients of yield and yield component traits,grain number per row,plant height and seed rate had a positive correlation between seed yield and yield traits,the correlation coefficients were 0.841 8,0.811 8 and 0.689 4.(iii) According to SSR results,the 16 inbred lines can be clustered into six groupe,which was consistent with the pedigree.Integrated the results of this study,the inductive line of pioneer could be as a new heterosis pattern that the pioneer × Suwan germplasm and line pioneer × Mohuang germplasm utilized in southem country,but we should conduct further research and testify in the breeding practice in the future.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences