
小丑鱼生物学特性及高效健康人工繁育技术 被引量:11

The Clown Fish Biological Characteristics and Efficient Health Artificial Breeding Technology
摘要 介绍小丑鱼形态、生活和繁殖的生物学特性,对小丑鱼繁殖池的设计与其培育用水预处理进行了阐述,并对在小丑鱼人工繁育中亲鱼的选择、培育、投喂方法、水质调控、饵料的选择与杀菌、饵料的培养、产卵、孵化、幼苗培育及驯化出售、常见病害防治等环节相关操作方法进行了总结。最后,对养殖小丑鱼这种观赏鱼类的发展前景进行了展望。 The biological characteristics of the clown fish morphology, life, reproduction, design of clown fish breeding pool and cultivate water pretreatment were introduced, and the related operation methods about clown fish breeding in the selection, 'cultivation, dear fish feeding meth- od, water qualit control, food selection and sterilization, food culture, spawning, incubation, seedling cultivation and domestication of the sale, prevention and treatment of common diseases and other aspects were summarized; finally, the prospect of clown fish breeding was forecasted.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2014年第10期2924-2926,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 小丑鱼 生物学特性 人工繁育技术 The clown fish Biological characteristics Artificial breeding technology
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