This article aims at studying two-direction refinable functions and two-direction wavelets in the setting R^s, s 〉 1. We give a sufficient condition for a two-direction refinable function belonging to L^2(R^s). Then, two theorems are given for constructing biorthogonal (orthogonal) two-direction refinable functions in L^2(R^s) and their biorthogonal (orthogonal) two-direction wavelets, respectively. From the constructed biorthogonal (orthogonal) two-direction wavelets, symmetric biorthogonal (orthogonal) multiwaveles in L^2(R^s) can be obtained easily. Applying the projection method to biorthogonal (orthogonal) two-direction wavelets in L^2(R^s), we can get dual (tight) two-direction wavelet frames in L^2(R^m), where m ≤ s. From the projected dual (tight) two-direction wavelet frames in L^2(R^m), symmetric dual (tight) frames in L^2(R^m) can be obtained easily. In the end, an example is given to illustrate theoretical results.
This article aims at studying two-direction refinable functions and two-direction wavelets in the setting R^s, s 〉 1. We give a sufficient condition for a two-direction refinable function belonging to L^2(R^s). Then, two theorems are given for constructing biorthogonal (orthogonal) two-direction refinable functions in L^2(R^s) and their biorthogonal (orthogonal) two-direction wavelets, respectively. From the constructed biorthogonal (orthogonal) two-direction wavelets, symmetric biorthogonal (orthogonal) multiwaveles in L^2(R^s) can be obtained easily. Applying the projection method to biorthogonal (orthogonal) two-direction wavelets in L^2(R^s), we can get dual (tight) two-direction wavelet frames in L^2(R^m), where m ≤ s. From the projected dual (tight) two-direction wavelet frames in L^2(R^m), symmetric dual (tight) frames in L^2(R^m) can be obtained easily. In the end, an example is given to illustrate theoretical results.
supported by the Natural Science Foundation China(11126343)
Guangxi Natural Science Foundation(2013GXNSFBA019010)
supported by Natural Science Foundation China(11071152)
Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province(10151503101000025,S2011010004511)