通过实验找出了苯丙乳液聚合过程中引起凝聚的因素 .这些因素主要有反应热、反应温度、搅拌速度、电解质与杂质及原料用量与配比等 .并对这些因素引起凝聚的机制作了简要分析 ,认为凝聚主要由电中和、乳化剂包容不够导致破乳、乳胶粒子的碰撞。
We found out the main factors of coagulation in the emulsion polymerization of Styrene/Bu acrylate by experiments, which included reaction heat, reaction temperature, stirring rate, electrolyte and impurity, the dosage and ratio of materials. And the mechanic of coagulation was discussed, which included electric charge neutralization, lacking emulsifier on the surface of latex particles, collision of latex particles, interfacial tension.