为了满足高速数据采集系统的实时性、高速性和结构小型化要求,设计完成了基于FPGA+DSP+USB控制器架构的嵌入式数据采集与处理系统.利用FPGA实现多通道高速数据采集,利用DSP完成对已采集数据的处理.系统采用高速USB2.0控制器完成对数据的高速传输.实验表明,该系统采样速率最高可达10 MSPS,并具有较高的实时性与稳定性.
The data acquisition and transmission system is required to acquire data in real time and transmit in high speed and the size of it should be as small as possible. In or der to meet the requirements above, a embedded data acqui sition and processing system based on FPGA and DSP and USB controller architecture is proposed. FPGA is designed to serve as the controller of muhichannel data acquisition and DSP is used to process the acquired data. The utilization of USB2.0 controller is to realizes high speed transmission of data. The experiment results show that the designed system has high real-time property and stability. The sample rate can be up to 10 MSPS.
Group Technology & Production Modernization