
企业大学如何建构 被引量:8

How To Set Up a Corporate University
摘要 本文对目前国内企业大学建设仍停留在培训中心"改头换面"的现状进行了关注,由此引发对企业大学为何无法培育出企业应对外部环境急剧变化的动态能力的思考。通过对企业成长与企业大学发展之间的关系进行深入研究,得出了企业大学建设的系统框架,即应首先围绕外部环境与企业战略明确企业大学各发展阶段的功能定位,然后围绕功能规划,有目标有步骤地进行企业大学要素体系的建设。最后以G公司为例,将企业大学的体系框架进行了实践运用,以便为其他企业提供具体的经验借鉴。 This article puts attention on the current situation of the current domestic corporate universities' construction still remains at the "Makeover" of the training center, which caused the thinking of why the corporate universities cannot cultivate the enterprises with the dynamic abilities to cope with the rapidly changing external environment in China. The paper studies the relationship between the corporate growth and the development of corporate universities deeply. Then it reaches a system framework of the corporate universities' construction. Firstly, the paper will focus on the external environment and corporate strategy to make clear the functional localization of all stages of development of corporate universities. Secondly, it will build the corporate universities elements step by step under the basis of the functional planning. Finally, the paper will use the system framework of corporate university into application with the example of G firm so that it can provide specific experiences for other enterprises.
出处 《中国人力资源开发》 北大核心 2014年第5期6-11,共6页 Human Resources Development of China
关键词 企业大学 企业成长 组织学习 知识管理 功能规划 Corporate University Corporate Growth Organizational Learning Knowledge Management Ftmctional Planning
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