
止咳中成药的品种特点研究 被引量:5

Study on Species Characteristics of Chinese Patent Medicines for Antitussive Effect
摘要 目的:揭示止咳中成药的品种特点,为新止咳中成药的开发立项提供参考。方法:以《中华人民共和国药典》和《新编国家中成药》中收载的具有国家标准中成药为对象,收录在功能、主治中出现"止咳"、"镇咳"、"止嗽"、"咳嗽"、"久咳"等关键字的中成药,开展"止咳中成药的数目、批准文号、民族药品种、儿童用药品种、国家中药保护品种、药味数"的情况统计,分析通用名称和剂型特点。结果:收录止咳中成药684个,占7 260个中成药总数的8.60%;共获得7 450个批准文号,约33%的中成药仅有1个批准文号,平均每个中成药拥有16.6个批准文号;民族药品种有藏族验方十五味沉香丸等3种,蒙古族验方四味土木香散等4种;儿童用品种数占止咳中成药的14%,涉及9种剂型;药品通用名称的命名类型多达16种,其中以处方中主要药材缩写来命名者最为常见;处方药味数多为8味左右,在16味以内;涉及16种剂型,其中固体制剂的使用比例大于液体制剂者。结论:止咳中成药具有品种丰富、剂型多样、药味数合理、零售市场份额高和儿童用品种可满足临床需要等特点,存在通用名称不规范、同质化竞争激烈、民族药品种少等问题。 This study was aimed to reveal the species characteristics of Chinese patent medicines for antitussive ef-fect and provide references for developing new drugs. This research targeted Chinese patent medicines for antitussive effect which were included in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China and the New National Chinese Patent Medicines as well as those characterized by keywords such as ;cough cure;, cough alleviating, antitussivenbsp;effect, ;cough, persistent cough. The analysis was made on the species characteristics, such as the number of Chinese patent medicines for antitussive effect, license number, ethnomedicine patent medicines, drugs for children use, protection of varieties of traditional Chinese medicine, the number of drugs, the generic names of drug, and drug forms. The results showed that 684 Chinese patent medicines for antitussive effect collected in this research had ac-counted for 8.60% of the total 7 260 of Chinese patent medicines. A total of 7 450 license numbers were approved, and 33% of the Chinese patent medicines shares one license number. One Chinese patent medicine owns 16.6 li-cense numbers on average. Ethnomedicine patent medicines had 3 Tibetan prescriptions such as the Shiwuwei Chenxiang pill and 4 Mongolian prescriptions, such as the Siwei Tumuxiang powder. Drugs for children accounted for 14%, including 9 forms. The type of the generic names of drug reached 16 and most of them originate from abbrevia-tions of the main drug in prescription. The number of drugs in prescription ranges from 8 to 16. Chinese patent medicines for antitussive effect involved 16 forms, of which the proportion of the use of solid preparation was higher than the liquid preparation. It was concluded that Chinese patent medicines for antitussive effect were characterized by such advantages such as a variety of species, various forms, the reasonable number of drugs, considerable medicine retail market share and drug for children use which can meet the clinical needs, and meanwhile some prob
出处 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 北大核心 2014年第1期6-10,共5页 Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology
基金 科学技术部国家“十二五”计划科技重大专项“重大新药创制”项目(2011ZX09201-201-18):中药大品种急支糖浆的技术改造,负责人:刘世琪
关键词 止咳 中成药 品种 批准文号 儿童用药 药味数 通用名称 剂型 Antitussive effect Chinese patent medicines species license number drug for children use number of drugs generic names of drug drug form
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