Objective To study the histological features, diagnosis, differential diagnoses of aggressive B-cell lymphomas of the gastrointestinal tract and to correlate clinical prognosis with pathologic parameters and immunophenotypes with an emphasis on c-myc, Tcl-1 and CD38 expression and their values in predicting the status of c-myc gene translocation. Methods Fifty-four cases of aggressive B-cell lymphomas of the gastrointestinal tract with complete clinical and pathologic data were retrospectively collected. The clinical data, histologic and immunohistochemical findings and follow-up results were analyzed. Predictive immunohistochemical stains including c-myc, Tcl-1 and CD38 were performed and ROC curve analysis was used to confirm the accuracy of these markers in predicting c-myc translocation. Results Of 54 cases, there were 33 males and 21 females with median age of 56 years. Histological types of lymphomas included 49 cases of DLBCL ( 11 cases of germinal central B cell like and 38 cases of activated B cell like by Hans classification), 4 cases of DLBCL/BL and 1 case of BL. Eleven of 54 patients died within
Chinese Journal of Pathology