对 4个品种的胡萝卜 (新黑田五寸人参 ,HERTAGE ,XPH3910和TEBE)进行栽培和取样 ,研究其干物质积累和 β-胡萝卜素含量的变化。结果显示 ,在胡萝卜生长过程中 ,随着地上部分同化器官的建成 ,其干物质积累不断增加 ,干 /鲜比例呈上升趋势 ;β -胡萝卜素含量的变化不是均匀递增的 ,β-胡萝卜素大量形成期主要在莲座期以后的肉质根生长期 ,此间 β -胡萝卜素的合成量占全生长期的 75%以上 ;不同熟性的品种β -胡萝卜素快速形成期和达到最大含量所需的时间不一样 ,但各类型品种都在生理成熟期时达到β
carotene content and dry matter content in four varieties of carrots (Xinheitian,HERTAGE,XPH3910 and TEBE)during different stages were studied.The experiment suggested that with roots growing,the ratio (dry/fresh) kept on increasing as well as the dry matter content.And the increasing ratio of β carotene was based on different stages.More than 75% β carotene was synthesized during fleshy root growing after rosette stage.The result also showed that the period of rapid β carotene growth and the time to reach maximum content were different for different varieties,but all varieties could reach the maximum β carotene content at mature period.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica