目的 :测定脑卒中患者病程不同阶段血小板活化率 ,探讨血小板活化在卒中发展中的重要地位及临床意义。方法 :采用流式细胞技术 ,对 79例原发脑梗死、32例脑出血、30例健康对照者 ,测定血小板膜表面糖蛋白CD62 p、CO63 、TSP的阳性表达率。结果 :在脑梗死病程的不同阶段 ,血小板活化呈动态变化 ,脑出血患者急性期也存在血小板活化 ,CD62p、CD63、TSP三者呈正相关。结论 :CD62p、CD63、TSP均可做为血小板活化的监测指标 ,抗血小板聚集药物在防治脑梗塞中有肯定作用。
Objective:To study the platelet activation in patients with stroke and define the role of activated platelets.Methods:We performed flow cytometric analysis of activation dependent granular protein CD 62p ,CD 63 and TSP on the platelet plasma membrane in stroke patients.Results:CD 62p ,CD 63 and TSP were increased in patients with stroke,the expression was lower in the patients taking aspirin.The expression of TSP was significantly associated with the expression of CD 62p and CD 63 .Conclusion:Aspirin may reduce the dysfunction in cerebral infarction,and the expression of TSP may represent the activity of platelet.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Shandong