From a practical point of view,when interpreting the necessity test of Article XX of the General A- greement on Tariffs and Trade ,WTO dispute settlement body didnl recognize the importance of defining regulatory goal and alternative measures. Identifying a regulatory goal in determining whether a measure falls within the scope of an exception is crucial for the necessity test, because characterization of the goal can influence the ability of a member to justify a measure as necessary under Article XX. More specifically, the narrower the characterization of a regulatory goal, the less likely it is that a panel will find reasonably available alternatives to the measure to exist. Al- ternative measures identified as a key factor in the necessity test, if certain measures are complementary rather than alternative ; then it' s easier to identify dispute the legality of the disputed measures. Therefore, the standards of regu- latory goal and alternative measures need to be clarified further in practice.
Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)