文学翻译是一种具有文化属性的交际行为,译者是不同文化的调停者,因此,他/她需要以恰当的策略和方法向译语读者呈现"他者",这也是译者的核心责任。正如许多学者所指出的那样,不同文化间的互动会在译入语文化中创生一个"杂合"文本,这个"杂合"文本融合了源语文化与译语文化的双重特征,是两种文化妥协的结果,体现的是一种不同文化的共生关系。本文以研究案例为克莱门特·埃杰顿(Clement Egerton)的《金瓶梅》英译本The Golden Lotus为例,集中探讨在文学典籍英译这一跨文化交流活动中,运用陌生化翻译策略保留和再现"他者"的方法及其跨文化传播意义,以及由此所产生的"杂合"文本的基本特征。
Literary translation is recognized as an act of culture-specific communication. Acting as a mediator between different cultures, a translator needs to present the "other" to his/her target readers with proper strategies and methods, which is his/her major responsibility. As is observed by many scholars, interactions between different cultures in the process of translation would result in a cre- ation of a "hybrid" text, which integrates features of both the source culture and the target culture. The paper, on the basis of the analysis of examples from The Golden Lotus by Clement Egerton, focuses on how a translator retains and presents "otherness" to his/her target readers in the vision of de-familiarization in the process of literary classics translation, and examines the basic features of the soproduced "hybrid" texts.
Shandong Foreign Language Teaching