介绍了波门跟踪的原理以及波门自适应性的需求,结合主动轮廓模型中的GVF Snake模型和自适应分析质心跟踪算法,提出了基于Snake模型的波门自适应跟踪算法,根据Snake模型的收敛轮廓来确定波门位置和大小,由波门内背景像素点所占的比例来决定是否更新波门。通过实验仿真,该算法能够自适应地改变波门的大小,很好地跟踪目标。
The principle of wave-gate tracking and the demand of adaptive wave-gate were introduced. The adaptive wave-gate tracking algorithm based on the Snake model was proposed according to the GVF Snake model in the active contour models and adaptive centroid tracking algorithm. Then the position and size of the wave-gate were ascertained on the basis of the convergence contour of the Snake model and the updating of the wave-gate was determined by the proportion of the background pixels in it. The experiment and simulation show that the algorithm can change the size of the wave-gate adaptively and track the target well.
Electronics Optics & Control