
叶片式抛送装置出料管气流流场分析 被引量:4

Airflow Field Analysis in the Discharge Tube of An Impeller Blower
摘要 叶片式抛送装置工作时,高速旋转的抛送叶轮所产生的空气流在出料管协助输送物料。为了提高输送效率,采用计算流体力学软件Fluent对叶片式抛送装置内部的三维气流流场进行了模拟,获得了抛送装置出料管气流流场的基本特征。并对出料管处气流速度的模拟值与试验值进行了比较,检验了数值模拟的可靠性。同时,对出料管高度、截面形状等结构参数的不同变化作了对比模拟,得出出料管高度越大,管内气流速度分布越均匀,但平均气流速度越小,可见出料管高度太大不利于输送物料;圆形截面出料管内气流速度分布较均匀且平均气流速度略大,较方形截面和矩形截面管更有利于输送物料。 When an impeller blower is in operation, the airflow generated by high-speed rotating impeller assists the material transportation in the discharge tube. In this paper, the computational fluid dynamics software Fluent was used to simulate the 3D airflow field in the impeller blower. Basic characteristics of the airflow field in the discharge tube and influence factors were obtained. Comparisons between simulated values and measured values of airflow velocity at the tube were also made, and the reliability of the numerical simulation was chacked. Meanwhile, contrast simulations with changing the geometric parameters such as height, section shape of discharge tube were done. Results indicated that air velocity was lower but more uniform when the height of the tube was higher; the tube with round section was superior to the tube with square or rectangular section for blowing.
出处 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期122-124,共3页 Machine Design And Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51165025) 内蒙古农业大学博士科研启动基金资助项目(BJ08-10)
关键词 叶片式抛送装置 出料管 数值模拟 结构优化 impeller-blower discharge tube simulation structure optimization
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