用 Apa I等 15种识别 6碱基的限制性内切酶研究了 2 0只蒙古羊的 RFL P。结果表明 ,在所研究的个体中共检测到 32个酶切位点 ,16种限制性态型 ,其中 Bg1I表现出多态 ,Xho I无切点。 16种限制性态型可归结为 2种基因单倍型 ,即单倍型 I(Bg1I- A)、单倍型 II(Bg1I- B)。线粒体 DNA多态度 π值为 0 .0 13% ,表明蒙古羊线粒体DNA多态性比较贫乏。
Fifteen restriction endonucleases recognizing 6 base-pair,ApaI,Bg1 Ⅰ,Bg1 Ⅱ,Cla Ⅰ,Dra Ⅰ,EcoR Ⅰ,EcoR Ⅴ,Hae Ⅱ,Hind Ⅲ,Kpn Ⅰ,Pst Ⅰ,Pvu Ⅱ,Sac Ⅰ,Sal Ⅰ,Sma Ⅰand Xho Ⅰ were used to study the mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) diversity of 20 Mongolia sheep.The results indicated that 32 restriction sites and 16 restriction morphs were detected,which could be sorted into 2 haplotypes in all individuals,and Bg1 Ⅰ was polymorphic.The polymorphic degree(π value=0.00013)of mtDNA showed that the genetic diversity of mtDNA of Mongolia sheep is very poor.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition)