
清末比附援引与罪刑法定存废之争--以《刑律草案签注》为中心 被引量:8

The Analogy Invoked and the Debates over the Retention or Abolition of the Legal Principle of Crime and Punishment in Late Qing:Centering on the Endorsement of the Draft of the Criminal Code
摘要 清末修律以防止司法擅断流弊、引进文明制度为据,废除比附援引制度,在新刑律草案中确立了罪刑法定原则,但在该草案签注前后引发了激烈争议。绝大多数签注以法不足以尽万变之人情、司法官自由裁量流弊更大为理由主张保留比附援引这一固有制度。在预备立宪这一大背景下,采纳西式罪刑法定原则、废除比附援引乃大势所趋,修律者以法律进化论为主要理论武器,紧扣立宪大局,助成此目标的初步实现。作为对争论的妥协,双方同意通过编辑判决例来规范司法官的自由裁量,但没能付诸实施。如何把握具体制度变革与整个社会转型之关系、有效规范法官之自由裁量等难题,编辑判决例、以司法方式推进立法改制的思路值得借鉴。 With a view to preventing judicial tyranny and introducing civilized systems,the analogy invoked was abolished in the code revision during the late Qing period.The legal principle of crime and punishment was established in the newly amended Draft of the Criminal Code.However,the draft triggered heated debates at the time of endorsement.Most of the endorsers preferred to retain the analogy invoked system,arguing that the law was insufficient to cover all circumstances and human sensations,and that the discretion of the judiciary might be abused.Against the backdrop of preparation for constitutionalism,adopting the Western legal principle of crime and punishment and abolishing the analogy invoked represented the general trends of the time.The code revisers managed to attain the goal by using the legal theory of evolution and focusing on the growing trend of constitutionalism.But as a compromise to the debates,the two parties agreed to edit the court decision cases to restrict the arbitrary discretion of the judiciary,which,however,went in vain.Practices as such may offer us with insights on how to perceive the relationship between specific systemic changes and the general social transformation,how to restrict effectively the arbitrary discretion ofjudges,how to edit the court decision cases,and how to promote legislative system changes with the use of judicial measures.
作者 李启成
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期104-120,204-205,共17页 Social Sciences in China
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