
欧盟夸美纽斯计划初探 被引量:1

Review on Comenius Program of the European Union
摘要 夸美纽斯计划是欧盟为加快欧洲一体化,建设欧洲"知识社会",实现重铸欧洲教育辉煌的雄心壮志而采取的主要措施之一。本文回顾了夸美纽斯计划的产生和发展,描述了夸美纽斯计划的目标和优先项目,分析了夸美纽斯计划取得的成效。作者认为,欧盟夸美纽斯计划的成功经验给我国基础教育的改革与发展至少有三方面的启示:加强基础教育的国际交流与合作;改进教师教育与培训;注重中小学生核心能力培养。 Comenius Program is one of the major measures adopted by European commission for speeding up European integration, constructing the European "knowledge society", and realizing the European Union's ambition of recasting the brilliance of European education. This paper looks back on the history of Comenius Program, describes its objectives, actions and priorities, and analyses its demonstrable results. The author thinks that the successful experiences of Comenius Program can enlighten China on the school education reform and development in three aspects: stressing international mobility and partnerships of school education; improving teacher education and professional development; and focusing on the key competences for lifelong learning.
作者 高耀明
出处 《外国中小学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期1-9,共9页 Primary & Secondary Schooling Abroad
基金 2012年度教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"中国现代职业教育体系建设研究"(项目批准号12JZD041)的成果之一
关键词 夸美纽斯计划 基础教育 校际流动与合作 教师教育与培训 Comenius Program school education mobility and partnerships between schools teachereducation and professional development
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