How to write the theme of moral narrative and how to reconstruct human value under the context of "9/11 incident" has become an important task for those authors of post-9/11 no- vels. Focusing on Ian McEwan's novel Saturday,this paper applies theories of literary ethic criticism and narratology to inter- pret moral narrative of this novel from three perspectives: human v. s. society, human v. s. human, and human v. s. himself. It tries to explore the ethical transmutation and human nature reconsid- ered by the people living in post 9/11 time, especially represen- ted by Perowne, hero of the novel, so as to reveal the common themes on moral ethic narrative and human value reconstruction shared by most post- 9/11 novels ,providing a new perspective to interpret post 9/11 novels.
Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
辽宁经济社会发展课题"当代西方生态文学乌托邦叙事研究"(项目编号:2013Lsktziw x-06)阶段性成果