ε-COP是真核生物中COP I有被小泡的一个亚基,其在植物中的生物学功能还未见报道。本研究对水稻中编码ε-COP亚基的基因进行了生物信息学分析,对其中的Osε-cop1基因进行了时空表达分析,构建了Osε-cop1的RNA干涉载体并转化水稻,对转化植株的表达特性和表型性状进行了分析。生物信息学分析结果表明,编码ε-COP的两个基因有很高的序列一致性,其中的Osε-COP1蛋白与玉米、拟南芥和大豆同源蛋白也具有较高的序列一致性,分别为83%、68%和62%;时空表达分析结果表明,Osε-cop1在穗部特异表达,且在减数分裂期幼穗中表达量最高。RNA干涉的研究结果表明,Osε-cop1的表达下调造成植株穗顶部死亡,暗示该基因对水稻穗的发育具有重要作用。本研究初步揭示了Osε-cop1在水稻中的功能,为进一步研究COPI有被小泡在植物中的功能奠定了基础。
ε-COP is one of the subunits of Coat protein I-coated vesicles (COPI) in eukaryotic cells. The biological function of ε-COP in plants remains unclear. In this study, bioinformatic analysis of genes encoding ε-COP in rice was performed. Afterwards, the expression pattern of Osε-cop1 was studied and the RNA interference (RNAi) plasmid was constructed, followed by Agrobacterium-mediated transfection into rice callis. The expression of Osε-cop1 and the phenotype changes in transgenic generations were tested. Bioinformatic analysis revealed that two genes encoding Osε-cop in rice showed high sequence consistency. The consistency of Osε-COP protein sequence with ε-COP in Maize, Arabidopsis and Soybean was 83%, 68% and 62%, respectively. The analysis of expression pattern showed that Osε-cop1 was specifically expressed in panicles with the most abundant at meiosis stage. Study of RNAi demonstrated that the decrease of Osε-cop1 resulted in death of spikelets in the top of panicles, implying that this gene was important for the development of rice panicles. This work reveals the essential function of Osε-cop1 gene in rice, which would greatly promote the research of biological function of COPI in plants.
Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences