The shelterbelts going across the hinterland of the Gurbantonggut Desert have played an important role in protecting the irrigation channels against aeolian sand disasters for many years.In order to keeping the sustainability of the effects of Calligonum caput-medusae shelterbelts,three kinds of stumping experiment of Calligonum were carried out.The percentages of the stumping were 50%,67% and 78% respectively.The results showed that the stumping of C.caput-medusae could promote the absorbing capability of C.caput-medusae roots to soil moisture,and the plants could grow rapidly and strongly after stumping.The shelterbelts of C.caput-medusae grew rapidly in the stumping years and played an important role in protecting the irrigation channels against aeolian sand disasters and sand fixation.The effective superficial area of assimilation twigs was increased,and as a result the biomass of assimilation twigs and the productivity of C.caput-medusae were also increased.The regeneration of C.caput-medusae was promoted under these three kinds of stumping,especially under the stumping of 78%.
Arid Zone Research