通过微地形改造,研究底水灌溉量对两种旱生植物梭梭和沙拐枣生长特征及成活率的影响,为干旱区后期免灌植被造林提供理论依据和技术支撑。结果表明:1梭梭第1年株高和枝长的年生长量以及地上生物量与底水灌溉量呈正比,但灌溉量在90 L、60 L和30 L梭梭株高和枝长年生长量以及地上生物量均无显著性差异;底水灌溉量对梭梭第2年的生长无显著性影响。2当底水灌溉量为30 L时,沙拐枣2 a株高和枝长的年生长量以及地上生物量平均值最大。3相同底水灌溉量下,梭梭成活率大于沙拐枣成活率。在克拉玛依市后期免灌造林效果梭梭优于沙拐枣,种植梭梭和沙拐枣最适底水灌溉量为30 L。
The effects of different bottom irrigation volumes on the growth and survival rate of Haloxylon ammodendron and Calligonum mongolicum were studied by micro topographic order so as to provide the theoretical and technical foundation for unirrigated vegetation afforestation in arid area. The results are as follows: 1 The growth high and branch length of H. ammodendron plants in the first year were proportional to bottom irrigation volume,but there was no significant difference in the growth high,branch length and biomass of H. ammodendron plants under irrigation volumes of 90 L,60 L and 30 L. There were no significant effects of difference bottom irrigation volumes on the growth high and branch length of H. ammodendron plants in the second year,and the aboveground biomass of H. ammodendron was proportional to bottom irrigation volume; 2 When bottom irrigation volume was 30 L,the average growth high,branch length and aboveground biomass of C. mongolicum were the highest; 3 Under the same conditions,the survival rate of H. ammodendron was higher than that of C. mongolicum. In Karamay,H.ammodendron was better than C. mongolicum under these technical measures. Based on considering the situation of water resources,the most appropriate bottom irrigation volume to H. ammodendron and C. mongolicum plants was30 L.
Arid Zone Research