中国石油化工股份有限公司洛阳分公司液态烃脱硫醇装置废碱渣年产量超过1 kt,原采用碱渣湿式氧化装置脱硫、浓硫酸中和、酸性水限流排放至炼油污水处理场处理工艺。该工艺存在浓硫酸中和碱渣作业风险大、酸性水低温盐结晶堵塞管线,作业过程恶臭气体环境污染大等问题。通过实施酸性水汽提塔注废碱渣技术改造,停用了碱渣湿式氧化装置,不再进行碱渣酸化处理。工业实践表明:废碱渣注入汽提塔后,净化水中约70%的固定铵可去除,酸性水汽提塔蒸汽单耗下降约10 kg/t,对总外排水水质几乎没有影响,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。
The liquid hydrocarbon sweetening unit in Sinopec Luoyang Company produced more than 1000 tons of caustic sludge each year.In the original design,the process of wet oxidation desulfurization,sulfuric acid neutralization and controlled sour water drainage to refinery waste water plant for treatment was applied to treat the caustic sludge.This process had the problems of higher operating risk in neutralization of caustic sludge by sulfuric acid and easy plugging of pipelines by low-temperature salt crystallization of sour water and air pollution by foul gas from operation,etc.To solve these problems,the injection of spent caustic sludge was implemented,caustic sludge wet oxidation unit was shutdown and caustic sludge acidification operation was stopped.The above practices in commercial operation show that,after injection of spent caustic sludge into the sour water stripper,70% of fixed ammonium is removed,steam consumption of sour water stripper is reduced by 10 kg/t,there is no impact on the quality of discharge water,and good economic and social benefits have been achieved.
Petroleum Refinery Engineering
sour water stripping tower
caustic sludge
injection of caustic
technical revamping