
由均质转向分化?——德国高等教育的发展趋向分析 被引量:15

From Homogeneity to Differentiation?——An Analysis of Trends in the Development of German Higher Education
摘要 高等教育机构的均质性长期以来被视为是德国高等教育体系的一个核心特征。在德国,人们用来区分高校的首要维度并非是个体高校的质量和声望,而是高校的类型(综合性大学vs应用科学大学)。不过,近年来的一些高等教育政策——卓越计划、绩效拨款、高校排名、高校特色发展战略等——开始偏离维持高校均质性的传统,试图通过引入竞争促进个体高校的分化。尽管有人将此视为德国高等教育政策的范式转换,不过,考虑到传统制度与结构的影响,德国高校不太可能出现类似我国与美国那种高度分化的局面(金字塔型分化),而更有可能实现一种在现有均质基础之上的温和型分化(凸型分化)。 The homogeneity of German higher education institutions (HEIs) has been regarded for a long time as a core feature of the German higher education system. The dimension which distinguishes the universities in Germany is primarily not their individual quality or prestige, but the type of institution (university versus University of Applied Sciences). However, some higher education policies in recent years, such as Excellent Initiative, performance-based funding, university rankings, strategy for developing university characteristics, have began to deviate from the tradition of maintaining homogeneity of HEIs. Instead, they aim to promote the differentiation of individual universities through the introduction of competition. Although this is seen as a paradigm shift in German higher education policies, German universities are unlikely to achieve the similar high level of differentiation (pyramid type of differentiation) as those in China and USA under the influence of traditional rules and structures. So it is more likely to expect a moderate differentiation on the basis of current homogeneity ( convex type of differentiation).
作者 孙进
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第8期1-8,共8页 International and Comparative Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究基金项目"德国六十年来的高等教育改革与发展及其对我国高等教育体制改革和制度创新的重要启示"(项目批准号:09YJC880012) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"研究生培养模式与国家创新体系建设的国际比较研究"(项目批准号:2009JJD880003)成果 "中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金"资助
关键词 德国 高等教育均衡发展 绩效拨款 卓越计划 高等教育改革 Balanced Development of Higher Education German University Performance-based funding Excellent Initiative Higher Education Reform
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