
美国与欧亚安全制度的构建——北约东扩战略与“亚太再平衡”战略对比 被引量:4

The U.S. and the Security Construction in Europe and in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Comparative Study on the Grand Strategies of NATO Eastward Expansion and Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific Region
摘要 美国以推动"大欧洲一体化"为目标而出台北约东扩战略,以打造有利于美国自身利益的均势体系为目标而推出"亚太再平衡"战略。这两大战略都是在时代大变动及美国国内存在较强质疑声音的情况下由美国政府强力推动实施的,反映出美国将其主导的安全架构尽可能地延伸到更广阔地带的战略意图。北约东扩战略偏重对他国政治制度的改造,"亚太再平衡"战略着眼于对亚太区域秩序的重构;北约东扩战略旨在融合俄罗斯,"亚太再平衡"战略则带有鲜明的阻遏中国的色彩。目前,北约在向全球化方向发展,"亚太再平衡"战略则力图打造出亚太区域的安全架构,这两者的发展已呈现出相互联接的趋势,反映出美国欲以其联盟体系为核心构建全球性国际安全体系的长远考虑。 The Strategy of NATO Eastward Expansion and that of rebalance toward the Asia-Pacific region stem from different schools of thought and have taken on various features. The fundamental goal of pushing NATO expansion eastward by the US is to promote greater integration in Europe. The U.S. rebalancing strategy aims at shaping a balance of power in favor of the US in the Asia-Pacific region. These two strategies, formulated in the turbulent age and implemented forcefully by the US, reveal the intention of extending the security system led by the US to broader areas in the world. NATO expansion highlights the importance of NATO in transforming applicant countries' internal political structures, while the rebalance strategy works at reconstructing the regional order in the Asia-Pacific region. NATO keeps its stance on opening door to any country, including Russia. The rebalance strategy aims to constrain China from growing stronger and faster. A globalized NATO and the regional structure forged by rebalance strategy raise great possibilities of their convergence in the future. The US can maintain its hegemony through creating a world security system based on revitalizing US-led alliances both in Europe and in the Asia-Pacific area.
作者 李海东
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期9-28,5,共20页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
基金 外交学院国际关系重点学科项目的资助
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