Scholars at home and abroad have proved that the unbalance between CD4 + CD25 +Foxp3 + regulatory T cells (Treg cells) and Thl7 cells relates to the pathogenesis of hematopathy. Patients with tumor blood diseases, such as leukemia and lymphoma, generally show raised levels of Treg cells and decreased levels of Th17 cells. The pathogenesis of disease may involve in Treg cells inducing enhanced immune suppression and Th17 cells mediating immune deficiency. On the contrary, cases with non-neoplastic blood diseases, such as AA, HSP,ITP and so on, trend to have lower Treg cells and higher Th17 cells. The pathogenesis of non-neoplastic blood disease may be connected with serious immune injury mediated by Th17 cells and weak suppression of im- munity induced by Treg cells. Accordingly, the increasing ratio of Treg cells/Th17 cells may cause tumor blood diseases, but a decreasing one can promote non-neoplastic blood disease.
International Journal of Pediatrics